Friday, August 29, 2008

African web resources

During previous days we've gone through a number of local and international websites useful not only for journalists but for anyone with the desire to find information. Below some links. I'll add Tanzanian online media links separately below on the right side of the page.

Tanzania government Better to go directly to the section National information by topics with the giraffe image surrounded by links to ministeries.

Bunge, meaning the parliament, has a good site, but at the moment it seems to be down.

Tanzania Online The only really somehow functioning Tanzanian web portal, has many links that you might also easily find by googling.

Reuters Africa Latest news country by country updated constantly if news happen. If things at home are relatively okay, meaning no huge floods or wars or rigged elections, the site might include only week-old business news.

IPS News "Tells the story underneath!" News features from the South written by journalists from the South. Content from more that 125 African news organizations. Read papers from Cameroon to Kenya.

Awdal News Curiosity from Somaliland. Online journalism can be a great media in a country with long distances and lack of paper, as long as wireless connections are there. Links at the bottom.

Pambazuka News Pan-African forum for social justice. Old wise guys writing clever stories with the background idea that Africa shall unite.

African Elections Database Compiled by a chap somewhere out of Africa with numbers of votes, percentages and all other details from every election since colonial times.

African Literature and Writers on the Internet A web portal hosted by Stanford University in USA with hundreds of links to websites on African literature, from sites on Chinua Achebe to Zimbabwe Book Fair.

African Studies Internet Resources Web portal by Columbia University, New York. Soooooooo many links.

Kenyan blogs Read postings from Kenyan Pundit and hundreds of other active bloggers from Kenya. The latest Kenyan blog posting will appear on top. Tanzanian blogs you can find here.

Hello in many languages. This is one of my personal favourites. If you can greet in Kihaya language and also say "thank you", you might reach far. Here you can also learn to say "hallo" in about 20 different German dialects.

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